
Environmental factors in Autism?

by  |  earlier

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I need to find a articl and read it and write about 2 pages summary of what I undrestood so far I could only write half a page that sucks because I can't find a good article if i can't write this 2 page i am going to drop my class day after tomorrow :(




  1. environment affecting what? fetal development? when a child is diagnosed. what is the question? don't drop it so soon.

  2. Some thoughts on what could cause autism..

    Vaccines, both to the child, and to the mother while pregnant[flu, Rhogam]

    Ultra sounds.

    Living next to certain types of chemical plants/factories.

    You can also go over how treatment through diet and metal detox usually correct autism quite a bit.

    DAN![Defeat autism now] doctors are the type that assist in this.

    I just saw a study where almost all children with autism have mumps bacteria in the gut. This is how it correlates with the MMR, it was never about mercury/thimerosal in the MMR, since it has never had any, vaccines containing live virus's do not have preservatives.

    Email or IM me and I can help a bit with finding some studies.

    Try using google scholar.

  3. Search something about how Autism and rainy climates are correlated. Remember, correlation is not causation but it is considered an environmental factor. It's a theory that in rainier climates, children are most likely watch a lot of tv because they are indoors a lot. The researcher believes tv also correlates with Autism.


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