
Environmental issues in movies - Wall.E

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Hi, wondered if anyone has watched the trailer for the upcoming movie Wall.E? See

In the show mankind leaves Earth due to environmental degradation. Just wondering what you think of the portrayal of environmental issues in the movie and whether you think the movie really depicts the direction our world is headed towards.




  1. I think it has some interesting points to make, especially about a huge corporation very similar to Walmart/costco basically taking over every aspect of consumer goods. I also thought it was really funny/weird how everyone had gotten so lazy and obese that they had forgotten how to walk. THAT seems pretty on point.

    But I think people are getting better about reducing waste and recycling. Although there are still questions of whether or not enough people will stick with it and have we changed our ways in time to make a difference. I really liked the movie, I think it had some really valid opinions of what earth could become. I also liked the ending, with the point that enough people working together can make all the difference.  

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