
Environmentalists, if you think people should conserve water by allowing the rain to wash cars instead of

by Guest55660  |  earlier

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using extra water to wash cars and/or car washes don't you think reusable menstrual pads isn't going to help with the environment?

I mean knowing that they have to be washed constantly daily more than once would use a lot of water which goes down the drain.

Think about it?




  1. I've had an idea some what like this, only it had more to do with a small drought where i live. Since water here for yards and stuff has been restricted (We get fined if we water more then were supposed to), i thought of buying a small tank or a big one, to put on the side of the house to collect the little rain we already get and from our gutters. I was thinking the water collected (instead of using the public sewers) could be used for washing the car, watering the grass, and filling up our pool. We would save on our water bill and the amount of water we could use if it ran out. I think it'd help with our current water supplies and help keep them stable.

  2. I agree with the car washing itself in the rain (mainly because I'm too lazy to care about a clean car as no matter how or when I wash it something always happens like a bird decorating my clean car) I agree wholeheartedly. But as for sanitary napkins or tampons  truly biodegradable ones made of some natural fiber good for burying would be most perfect.  Washing them doesn't seem like a concept that will catch on like going back to past when rags were used and washed, what a mess. That's were the saying came from "on the rag".  Just like a baby's cloth diapers that must be washed which are never done one at a time but several in the wash after one has to dispose of the solids in the toilet. That is truly gross.  So I'd think more disposable diapers are recking the environment than sanitary napkins as so many women use smaller tampons.  Just my take.  

  3. Although you would love to be earth-friendly,you can don't use rainwater to wash your car.Reuse?Maybe after you've washed your clothes or mop the floor,the water can be used to wash your car.Reusing helps!

  4. This is how I wash my car. I allow Mom Nature to wash it with rain Water.

  5. Cold rainwater doesn't do a very good job of cleaning cars. There are good uses for rainwater. Washing cars isn't one of them.

    As far as reusing sanitary napkins goes, they would have to be boiled to remain sanitary. There goes the conservation value of reuse.

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