
Environmentalists of the UK?

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Would you be willing to have a nuclear powerplant such as sizewell next door to you?

IN ORDER, to use waste heat energy to heat homes thus saving the planet from wasting resources.

Considering living next to it has less radioactivity than living in cornwall.




  1. At last someone with some sense regarding nuclear power plants,  it is fine having wind turbines, except on a still day, no wind no electricity, they are only 22% efficient any way.

    If you have wind farms which look unsightly and massacre the bird population you must have another form of electricity that you can always rely  to be producing current.

    The current coal fired stations are being converted so that they meet the emission standards f0r 2015, but we need to have at least a minimum of 6 nuclear power stations  preferably 12 so that we are always assured of a plentiful supply of power.

    Live next to a nuclear power station, all of us who were in nuclear boats have and with the exception of the ruskies no problem

  2. No. Nor should we build any more until someone figures out what to do with the waste, apart from bury it. That always sounds to me like the 'ostrich with its head in the sand' scenario. If you cannot see it it isn't there.

  3. No, of course not.

    But we do need to decentralise, at the moment we was 2/3 of the energy we produce, we can cut that to a third by making use of the wasted heat, but not with nuclear power:

    We also need small scale generation, such as wind turbines on buildings, geothermal, solar etc.

    The long term aim would be a system based entirely on decentralised renewables.

    Why i oppose nuclear:

    Its unsafe, it produces radio active waste and we dont have adiquate disposal facilities. A terrorist attack would be catastrophic. Consider this news story:

    It will not bridge the energy gap. It will take too long to put in place and the current government planned nuclear plants would only reduce emitions by 4% which not enough by a long way.

    It increases our reliance on politically uncertain places for fuel.

    A by produce of the industry is weapons grade uranium.

  4. I think using nuclear power is leaving a terrible legacy for people who will be using this planet after we have gone.

    Did you see the program on the complexities of de-commissioning the Dounreay reactor and how far it had contaminated the coast line.

    Frightening !!

  5. Can I just point out that most forms of renewable energy are useless anyway. They hardly produce any energy at all. It takes 7000 wind turbines to produce the equivilent power of 1 coal power station. And most people hate the look of the things anyway, clogging up the countryside.

    Even my Geography teacher who is an eco-nut thinks they are a waste of time and a blot on the landscape!

  6. Great Idea .......

  7. I do live near one.

    It is being considered for redevelopment to once again become a working  nuclear power station.

    People reckon that the fish in the sea close to the reactors have mutated into monsters and are green, never seen one myself.. ;-)

    Bring it on!

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