
Epl v belgium league. not much diff tonite. epl best league in the world i do not think so ?

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so easy damelinzi




  1. so your basing this on two results. When was the last time you saw a Belgian team in the later stages of the champions league  

  2. Just because Liverpool struggled tonight? Hmm...

  3. Haha, thought you would get them going with this one - heaven forbid you for slagging of their beloved Premiership!!

    URANOB - you're well named!

  4. yes it is, you cant say that because of liverpool, theres a number of factors why it was close.

    Standard though looked very solid team and impressed me alot, expect them to have a successful tournement in the uefa cup

  5. Based on the legitimate arguments posted in response to your question:  I think this proves that you are just being a bit of a gobshite.

  6. I can't remember the year when a Belgian club last won the champions league.

    Can you?

    I do remember that Manchester United once beat Anderlecht 10-0 though.  And Tottenham stuffed them in a EUFA final.

    This proves superiority over Flemish and Walloon domestic football over 50 years.  However:  Your memory is very selective.  Isn't it?

    Come back when your football, spelling, grammar and punctuation improve.  Then we can have an "informed" discussion.


    By the way:  Alf's bias comes from being Scottish.  Something he omitted to declare.

  7. next year Standard will go to the Champions league as long as we dont have to play a world class club to get there

  8. LOL after 1 game with 1 english team? what do you think the belgium league is the best now of something? All i can say to this whole question is LOL

  9. No in my opinion the epl is the best league in the world you just have to look at the performances of our teams in europe for eg in the past couple of years in the champions league three of the four semi finalists have been from the epl, the premier league is also the most watched and lucrative football league in the world so i think tonight was just a case of a bad performance by liverpool and probably the performance of a lifetime by an unfamiliar standard liege team but liverpool still won anyways.  

  10. Maybe it's the dodgy referee's that make it the best league in the world? Cause it's got f*ck all to do with the players!

    Keep fishing!

  11. i think many times you can look at one specific result too heavily.

    you have to look at the bigger picture.

    do you see many belgian teams making the quarters, semis, finals of the champions league, not so much.

    i'm not arguing that the premier league is necessarily better than spain or italy, but one close win by a not top-2 team does little to affect my estimation of the league.

  12. what the f*****k   is  belgium league ????

  13. weirdo

  14. theres no question its the best league in the world, the EPL representitives tonight were liverpool and they are one of the lesser sides.

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