
Equality In Britain? (History Homework)?

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What Inequality or racism are in todays British Society

because i cant find much!!





  1. 1. Women as vicars and bishops. Opposed on religious grounds by antifeminists.

    2. Promotion of women in industry. The infamous "glass ceiling". Fewer women in the top jobs today than a few years ago.

    3. Racism in police force. few officers of high rank are from ethnic minorities.

    4. Politics. Far fewer women than men in Parliament. Local parties resist attempts to make them favour female candidates.

    5. In small firms, females sometimes paid less for doing the same job as males.

    6. Racism always flourishes where there is a fear of losing your job, or the price of things begins to get beyond you, or the popular press inflames opinions by citing racist behaviour or labelling certain criminal activities such as drug running/pushing as being the activity of ethnic minorities.

    7. Situations are made worse by local authorities saturating a housing estate with ethnic minorities this causing racial tensions between people who think that these minorities are somehow getting favoured treatment.

    It all begins with the troopship "Empire Windrush" returning from the West Indies with hundreds of people encouraged to come by British Rail who could not get native Englishmen to work on the London underground; and the mistreatment of Asians in Uganda by Idi Amin, causing them to flood into England.

      I had better stop. Best wishes for an interesting topic.

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