
Equality means every baby has same chance at birth. Inherited wealth gives advantage to rich , every way.?

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Disadvantaged and underprivileged kids with high intelligence

nurse unfulfilled potential. Their origins deprive them of their

rights, like"Tom Jones" and "Oliver" Privilege unbalances

Competition. They turn to crime to redress imbalance.

Ignoring this fact and keeping lid on pressured vessel to solve

problem has never worked. Building prisons, paying judges ,

etc. etc. just escalates. Equality in education, less pressure

on parents to make a living, respecting women's contribution

in bringing human life into this world when competing in work

with either state or employers support. A cheaper and more

effective solution.




  1. With all due respect this is oversimplistic patronising piffle. My grandparents came from desperately poor backgrounds and no one in any of the family lines turned to crime. Far from it - they were remarkable people.

    Some of the biggest crims I know are the from the aristocracy.

  2. If a child has parents, or as the case is now, a single parent, they should be responsible for the upbringing and upkeep of that child.   No-one else.

    If the parent(s) don't want to work in order to give their child a decent start in  life, then tough titty.  

    If they want to lounge around the house till they can pull themselves together to go to the pub or the bingo, then the kids suffer and why should anyone else worry about that, apart from Social Workers who can't mind their own business at the best of times.

    My views are that children are the responsiblity of the people that begat them, if there are NO parents, those children should be cared for and want for nothing.

  3. Well, that was spoken like a true Socialist Democrat. Amen.

  4. New Labour have made the playing field level by charging all children to go to university. It used to be that only the children of the rich had to pay fees.

  5. Your child gets free education and free nursery care already! Wot on earth are you on about? Suggest you ask your doctor for referral (free medical care) to mental health clinic. (also free) Are you posting in the right Country? This is the UK board.

  6. there never has!! been and never will be equality. man is a greedy power crazed beast and will never be happy unless he stands above!! some one els. smarter than...better than...bigger than....richer than.....stronger than. its the reason the world is so ****** up. and it aint gonna change.

  7. It is not as much about the money as it is about the attitudes and work ethics that made somebody rich.

    For example - look at the emphasis of education and personal achievement that exists in 'well off' families compared to that of 'poor' families.

  8. Henry you need to do some serious thinking a child is your responsibility its not the states job or an employers to support a child.The child is yours its YOUR responsibility to support it and your family.

  9. With respect what a heap of c**p! Your child, your responsibility. What is this about "state support" the state doesn't have any money, it is mine as a taxpayer! Your employer pays for your labour not your family. Privilege does not unbalance competition, it makes the intelligent child strive for higher things. Intelligent beings do not turn to crime to "redress" the balance, they are far too clever for that. If an intelligent child is failing in education there are but two reasons, either the parent/parents are not encouraging them or the school isn't.. Either way it is down to that parent to rectify the issue. . Scenario..... I was born a b*****d, had "parents" who basically just wanted me to leave school and get a job, experienced reasonable life, and the poverty of life, nothing to eat etc. Life was like that then for me.  I was/ am reasonably intelligent, married young, had kids, nurtured them, gave them confidence, encouraged them to explore their full potential, taught them right from wrong, never had any help from the "state" or expected any. I worked jobs that fitted round my kids. These were my kids not the countrys. Both are graduates, both are well paid, both have good lives, both are married and have kids. Why look to others to correct what is wrong? The solution lies with you, I feel that you have just opened your eyes to social issues and are blaming "everyone" instead of taking responsibility for yourself. The world owes you nothing! Your world is as you make it. Wether your rich or poor, what you make of your one and only life is down to you. Sorry if that sounds harsh but welcome to the real world.

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