
Equality or Equity?

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Equal civil rights is equitable. Fair and impartial treatment means the same rights. It is equal to treat people equally and have equal rights is like saying people are equal because they are equal. That is wrong and makes not sense since we are clearly not inherently equal, some are stronger some are more intelligent etc. Therefore people are given equal treatment because it is fair and just i.e. equitable

Still waiting for a an actual answer to my question. The definitions and nature of the terms is exactly as I have explained it.




  1. eq·ui·ty  (kw-t)

    n. pl. eq·ui·ties

    1. The state, quality, or ideal of being just, impartial, and fair.

    2. Something that is just, impartial, and fair.

    e·qual·i·ty  (-kwl-t)

    n. pl. e·qual·i·ties

    1. The state or quality of being equal.

    Potato - potato.

  2. A typo? That's making things a little too simple, don't you think?

  3. OK... Equality= Everyone treated the same based upon the merits they earned. Pretty much not judging people by the color of there skin or there gender,religion.

    Equity is something entirely different.

         Equity is a form of Marxism. It calls for a redistribution of wealth/power irregardless if the receiving party actually earned it.


    Suppose you own two cars you worked hard to pay for. Your neighbor doesn't own a car. Than suppose the state decided ever adult should have a car in order to be financially sound.

    The state would then seize surplus cars from hard working people to give to lazy slobs who didn't earn it themselves. All in the name of "fairness".


    But you could sum it up in a different way.

    Equality= Everyone is equal to earn there own keep.

    Equity= Everyone should have an equal amount of power/wealth.


    Mostly being sarcastic.... But there are many uses of the word Equal. I am thinking in regards to civil rights and libertys.

            I use Equality in that light. While Equitability I use to describe economics and power.


    Equity:1. The state, quality, or ideal of being just, impartial, and fair.

    Equality:1. The state or quality of being equal.

    In regards to civil rights Equity might dictate women getting more rights in regard to certain area's of society because of "fairness".

    While in Equality for civil rights= everyone has the same rights.

    While for economics

    Equity:c. An equitable right or claim.

    a. Justice applied in circumstances covered by law yet influenced by principles of ethics and fairness

    Equality:2. Mathematics A statement, usually an equation, that one thing equals another.

       In this case  work output= personel gain.

    With Equity it wouldnt be "fair" for a women to make less if she wasnt able to work as much.

          But I think marxism was correct. In order to pay Person A the same as person B, even though Person A worked more and was more productive is to take it from person A and give it to person B.

            Money isnt free.

    But in the end it is irrelevant. They probally used words that sounded good to the mass public. Something to rally behind.

         Equity  doesnt stir the emotions as much as the word equality does.
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