
Equations of fake blood???

by  |  earlier

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I have write an "equation" to describe the "reactants" and "products" in the recipe of fake blood.

The recipe is

1/2 cup White Corn Syrup

1/2 tbs. (tablespoon) Red Food Color

1/2 tsp. (teaspoon) Yellow Food Color

1/2 tbs. (tablespoon) Water

I'm a little mystified by how im suppose to make an equation out of this....any help please?!?




  1. durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr?

  2. Definitely agree about the stupid answers... go on and report them as abuse...

    As far as your question:  There isn't really a reaction as such.  The mixture still contains the same materials you started with - the way instant coffee, hot water, and sugar is still instant coffee, hot water and sugar when you stir it all up.

    The properties (viscosity or "gloopiness") changes because the water dilutes the corn syrup.  The corn syrup molecules cling to each other pretty strongly, the water and food color slide in between so the corn syrup "thins out".

    So there is no equation to answer your question.

  3. whatever that guy said.

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