
Equilibrium question?

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HbH + O2 --> HbO2 + H

A) The concentration of 02 is higher in the lungs and lower in the tissues. What effect does a O2 have on the position of this equilibrium?

B) The normal pH of blood 7.4. What is the H in normal blood? Is it acidic, basic , or neutral?

C) If the blood pH is lowered by the presence of large amoutns of acidid metabolism products, a condition known as acidosis results. What effect does lowering blood pH have on the ability of hemoglobin to transport O2?

Thanks! =]




  1. A) an increase in O2 will increase the equilibrium, as more products will be formed.  decrease in 02 will decrease the equilibrium, as decrease in O2 will propel products to form reactants

    B) the H is 10^-7.4. this is in molarity.  a pH above 7 is basic, so blood is basic.

    C) if the pH is decreased, then that means that the H+ concentration increases.  (pH is a measure of potential hydrogen).  Hemoglobin can bind protons which causes a conformational change in the protein and facilitates the release of oxygen. so increase in pH will increase ability of hemoglobin to transport O2, as more H+ ions will bind.

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