
Equitation help?

by  |  earlier

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Well, I worked really hard for the beginning of the show season, I was in equitation jump classes and hunter-jumper, which are like 4 shows all together, plus I did English pleasure, but I never really did flat works. Last week, the horse I used got sold. There's no more jumping horses so they put me on this horse Dolly, and said I would be doing equitation flat do i win?

Also, my instructor said I have to work to keep Dolly's head down, any tips?

Haha thanks, I'm a jumper and I am devastated over my lost horse, so this is appreciated.




  1. Hello, sorry about the horse being sold :( sad part of the horse world is we never get to keep our friends around, even if they are with us till the end, they eventually leave us. Okay so first of all, Dollys head should be "down" that is riding front to back and you don't want that, you want back to front which means impulsion into a light and elastic contact so that she will properly bend and round herself into the proper frame. After that remember to keep you upper body tall and look up and smile, your angles should be appropriate and keep a steady and relaxed contact with your legs and hands, be as subtle and quiet as possible, over posting and things like twisting your body for leads are looked at as unfavorable;

    Good luck!

  2. Equitation is based mostly on your position. Heels down, hands close together, wrists straight, etc, etc. All the stuff your instructor has been preaching at you! =D

    Practice with no stirrups alot, it will build up your leg strength. Even when you jump alot, you should always work on that and work lots on the flat.

    Also, on keeping her head down, work on suppling her and keep her round. Leg yields are a good idea to warm up with, and other than that, flexions will help with getting her flexible. You should be able to maintain a slight bend to the inside with your inner rein, while massaging and keeping her head low and on the bit with your outer rein.

  3. OMG i love equi classes. OK the important things are-Back straight,eyes up,heels down, elbows bent, dont lean to far forward but also dont be to far back, smile,keeping contact is good too, dont have flip floppy legs, dont be wishy washy about your actions, dont hold all the pressure in your toes, stay centered and balanced and have fun! There is always more to learn but just have fun with it. Also take some extra lessons so you feel more prepared. Oh and winning pretty ribbons isnt everything!

  4. Make sure to keep your heel-hip-shoulder aligned. Keep your head up, and your hands up. Arms bent, and relaxed. Heels down, and legs tight on the horse. When keeping your horses head down, ask with your hands, and reinforce with your legs.

  5. Equitation is about how well you can control your horse while mounted, just like showmanship except your riding. First off I'm sorry about losing your horse. Last year I lost a mare and I had to change horses just as show season started. Its a hard thing to move to another horse.

    Basically in equitation its a simple pattern work. Don't be overly concerned about head setting. Just make sure you have a good seat, posture is important and know your pattern. True head set  will make you look more professional but skill is also needed
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