
Er I'm a little scared... help please. Advice from a doctor or something would be great.

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Ok recently I've been finding little bruises on my legs and arms, which don't hurt if I press them and didn't come from accidentally bumping into anything, they just came by themselves. And just now I had an itchy patch on my lower leg, so I scratched it and when I looked, lots and lots of little red dots had appeared in a patch about the size of a fairly big mobile phone. Aren't these the signs of leukemia or meningitis or something?




  1. you could be low on iron

  2. No.  They not related to the bumps and bruises you get.  If you're getting red dots in that area after you've scratched it, it's nothing but was probably caused by the scratching.  Get some ointment and you'll be fine.  From personal experience -- scratching does this, and I don't have leukemia.

  3. Please see someone about this as soon as possible. These are signs of cancer and nothing to put off having checked. Better to find out than not know, right? I will be praying that it is nothing serious. Good luck!

  4. My first thought is that you have a blood issue, specifically a blood clotting disorder.  You should be seen and bloodwork will be looked at.  The little dots, petechiae, are caused from broken blood vessels.  The most likely condition is called thrombocytopenia or low platelets.

    Yes it is true that petechiae are signs of leukemia, or menningococcemia like you mentioned.  However there is a common saying in the medical world, when you hear hoof beats think horse, not zebra.  Which means look at the most likely cause first, which is thrombocytopenia.

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