
Er...This disturbs me, what do I do??

by  |  earlier

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Well, I'm not sure when I started suspecting this, but I'm a twin and I think my sister might have some form of attraction to me? I'm not saying she does but some of the things she says creeps me out. Also, we've been sleeping in the same bed together since we were little [because we're broke and don't have enough to buy separate beds and stuff I guess] and I think it may have something to do with it. If she does then it worries me cause I dunno if I'll be able to look at her the same and it's a conversation I really don't wanna have.




  1. oh stop it, you think you are so cute that even your sister wants you. get a life, many siblings are like that. h**l, i even tell my mom she looks s**y, but it's not like i am thinking about her in a sexuall way, just as a jest. get a hold of yourselfand come back to planet earth

  2. ommgg nooo!

    dont say anything do you know how this could affect your relationship i have the same with my brother somtimes buts its just me im completely phobic of those things.


    this is so awkward and then your parents would find out and noooo.

    snap out of it theres nothign wrong with your sister. shes probably just being honest about how you look lots of women tell each other they look s**y maybe your relationship isnt used ot it.  

  3. Well unless you want to become the"Barbie" twins- I'd suggest you look up & see if there is one in your area. Than request a bed. In the meantime sleep on the couch. The moment she made you feel uncomfortable the sleeping together thing should stop.  

  4. Ask her out , U are her sister , U should share her problems , Ask her whether is there anything like U suspect ??

    Good luck !!!!

  5. I wouldn't have the conversation. But no matter what, she is still your twin and you are obviously very close to you. I don't know how old you are. But at many ages in life this might be very pre--teen.

    If she really is and tries to act out her feelings, it will be up to you to say no without rejecting her.

  6. Being a twin should give u more closeness in relationship and understanding. It could be possible that u may be misunderstanding her, so definitely talk to her even if its uncomfortable. If there is in fact a problem, wouldn't you want to help her or the entire situation before its gets any worse? In the end, you may find out that its all a misunderstanding of some sort. Otherwise, what ever the prob is, she's still your family and sister. You shouldn't feel anything but love for her.

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