
Erasmus in Bochum...have you ever been there?

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I live in Rome, we have a got a lot of fun's a great city...somebody told me Bochum is boring...ok, I known Bochum is not a big city, but I hoped at least to find somebody to share my erasmus glad to read mrs dalloway answer! thank you!

Viele Gruße




  1. Hi! I studied there for three years (not as Erasmus student though, I'm German). Don't expect a huge, buzzing city, but rather a former industrial, small city. The university is ugly, to say the least (high-rise buildings from the 1960's, ugh....), but it has a good student life! However, the seminars and lectures are usually always really crowded (around 200 people in a seminar, at least in my studies), so that might be a change for you (it's very anonymous)...

    I had a great time during my studies. There's always a party going on somewhere (also on the grounds of the university itself), and since the city has a big student population, there is sufficient nightlife going on. It's not Berlin or Hamburg of course, but it offers enough to do. In the city centre, there is an area called the "Bermuda Dreieck", meaning the "Bermuda Triangle", and there are many pubs and bars there which are frequented by many students. Going out in general is cheap and affordable (no London or Paris prices:-)!. Here is a link with more information about going out in Bochum:

    There are also always many Erasmus students at the university, so I am sure that you will find new friends soon. The German students are very open and friendly as well, so don't worry:-)!

    As already mentioned, the city isn't really architecturally enticing, but in the summer you can chill in the cafés, hang out in the park, or also explore some of the closeby, bigger neighbouring cities such as Dortmund or Essen.

    There are of course also cinemas in Bochum, many shops and restaurants, and there is also a highly acclaimed theatre there, the "Schauspielhaus".

    The highly successful and popular musical "Starlight Express" is also playing in Bochum, and they have a soccer team called "VfL Bochum", so you can also go and see their matches.

    Here's some more about Bochum:

    The website might be helpful in general for you!

    I hope I could help you a bit.

    Have fun and enjoy Bochum!

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