
Erectile dysfunction question

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Iam 17 and uncircumcised, about a week ago i was masturbating with my f******n pulled back, though i have done this before, this time i seemed to break capillaries, my f******n had a few red dots on it but those went away though my f******n still feels weird. The past week my erections seem to be weaker, is this just in my head? can masturbating how i did cause any damage? also its been burning when i pee but i dont know if thats related in anyway.....




  1. Richard R.Pastars

    If you are burning when you pee it is very likely you have urinary tract infection.

    Do you have burning with your ejaculation?

  2. You may have injured yourself in some minor way, but I don't think you have to worry about it.  If it persists then see a doctor.  Circumcision is always a possibility and don't let people scare you about this relatively simple and not so painful surgery.  But that is a choice you have to make yourself.

  3. Sounds like you may have caused an injury.  You may want to give it a rest for a few days and apply some antibiotic ointment.  If it doesn't clear up in about 5-7 days you might consider seeing a doctor.

  4. Erectile dysfunction is not you problem.  That is a bit dramatic.

    I would go to STD clinic for that burning problem!  

  5. you have irritated you p***s so back off for a week

    It may be that you need to be circumcised to take care of this problem

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This question has 5 answers.


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