
Erections all the time?

by  |  earlier

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Im 14 and i get weird erections in weird times, i get erections when i play basketball, and studying? is this normal?




  1. yes it is very common. As you go through puberty your hormones are literally going haywire because of this your p***s often receives  the wrong signals or miss-interprets one emotions for sexual arousal.

    It will go away as you mature

  2. I get them too. I'm 15 now and I get them a lot less than I did when I was 13, so it will get better.

  3. Totally and completely normal.

    And expect it to last probably until you are 20yo.  I am almost 20yo and it's just as bad as when I was 14yo.

    If you fear embarrassment, wear long tshirts which cover your crotch area.  Wear loose fitting pants so it doesn't show so much.  And when I have a stiffy and have to walk somewhere I often tied a hoody around my waist by the sleeves to hide it.

    Locker rooms are the worst tho.  Nothin to hid it with..ha ha.

  4. yea very normal. at 50 youll long for the days of getting these "weird erections

  5. its normal when ur age

  6. yep completely normal, happened to me I ended up wearing tight underwear to try and hide it. I'm 21 now and the weird erections have gone.

  7. it's called being young and being male.

    every other boy your age is going through the same thing. totally normal.


  8. yes, ooooh how I miss those days.  puberty causes that and not really anything you can do but work with it, bigger shirts to cover it up, baggy pants to hide it.

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