
Erik Spoelstra wants to play fast paced offence next season – NBA News

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The Miami Heat coach wants to continue with the same strategy from last year, but has injury issues to consider ....

Miami Heat Head Coach Erik Spoelstra came into last season claiming that the Heat would play a fast and up tempo game, converting defence into fast break offense. He knew he could manage that with LeBron James and Dwyane Wade in
the line up. And he stuck true to his word as Miami opened the season firing all cylinders.
But as the season progressed, Miami started slowing down partly because players got injured and exhausted, mainly due to the tough schedule the lockout shortened season had to offer, and partly because teams started adjusting to
their game.
Eventually, the Heat were able to win the NBA championship by relying heavily on their athleticism. And it is no surprise that Spoelstra is looking to go with the same strategy for next season.
Spoelstra explained the team strategy going into next season while talking to WQAM on Tuesday, and said that he was going to once again rely on playing fast.
“I hope to play faster. We turned it up a gear last year and I think we have the personnel to hopefully go even faster. I think with a normal training camp and a normal season we can build up that habit even more,” said Spoelstra.
Miami are one of the teams that can manage to play a fast paced game, with the athleticism of their two main players in LeBron James and Dwyane Wade. They can manage it even better if they play small next season and decide to start
Chris Bosh at the five.
Bosh is an athletic player for his height and position, and can cope with the pace of the the team. However, Miami can only execute their game plan if they are healthy next season, which is not a surety as of now.
Wade underwent a knee surgery during the offseason and is still on his way to recovery. It is unsure whether he will be available for the start of the season and he has said that he will give some time for his knee to return to
the level it was before the injury, which means he might be a bit slower off the foot early on. Chris Bosh also had a stomach strain that kept him out of a few games during the playoffs.
The Heat have a plan, one that has worked for them in the past. But if it were up to coaches, they all would love to play fast ball. The Heat are one of the few teams who have the right ingredients to play that style of basketball.
However, a great deal depends on their health and also if they are successful in that brand of basketball.



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