
Erm Sleeping 10 points real easy?

by  |  earlier

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Right well it seems that for the past few nights ive been sleepwalking in the middle of the night and turning my tv on.

I dont know why im doing this but i do know i am doing it as every night before my parents go to bed they make sure everything in my room is turned off.

Does anybody know why i might be doing this ?

Oh and i have been known to sleepwalk alot and sometimes managing to get outside.




  1. Turn your tv off by the plug and if i'm honest it could be the reason why you are sleep walking. Watching tv before you go to bed stimulates the mind which isn't good when you want to sleep. Why not try and read a book before going to bed to see if that helps.

  2. do you have alot on your mind?? stress?? i was stressed seriously not so long ago and woke up in my living room with my keys and mobile in my hand in the dark... i was got married that week lol...stress can make u sleep walk  

  3. i sleepwalk when im stressed or when somethings bothering me, or could be because your not actually getting enough sleep

  4. Maybe you watch t.v alot and your dreaming of the T.v - so you go and turn it on?

    And to avoid getting outside lock the doors.

  5. You're having really bad nightmares.

    Try not watching horror movies b4 bed.

    And listen to calm music to help soothe your sleep.

  6. There's no real way to answer "why" (maybe a therapist could help you with that). However, you might be interested in some ways you can stop sleepwalking. There's a good article in the source. Have you tried any of those techniques?

  7. My cousin used to sleep walk and he used to end up in bad situations like he'd wake up outside really cold and he would have sleepwalked out of the house. I don't think theres any particular reason for sleep walking. but my aunt cut dairy out of my cousins diet for awhile cos she read somewhere the chemicals they put in dairy can cause sleep walking and after a bit he stopped don't know if it was because of the dairy though.

    You just have to try and make sure you can't get into bad situations. Let you're friends know you sleep walk if staying at their house because if you don't know its really scary. But it could be worse I read in New Scientist about this thing where people try and have s*x with whoevers around while they're asleep.

    Good luck!

  8. my brother used to sleep walk ,when he was a teenager like 15-17 ,he grew out of it maybe you will to

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