
Erm...a question about Horn-rimmed glasses?

by Guest65319  |  earlier

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So im planning on getting some new glasses soon. My vision has kinda gotten worse so i need a stronger pair.

But i was leaning towards big Horn-rimmed glasses or some like those. Im not trying to be vintage and cool, but i do think they are so cute! So does anyone here wear them as like...everyday? As in you actualy need them, not just for accessorizing.

If you do where did you get them?




  1. hi i used to own emo glasses  but gave it back to a friend

    cause i thought that they dont look very good on guys

    my friend  asked me one day if she could get my glasses

    and i said yeah of course and glad she took my glasses

    she really looks cute gorgeous

    i bought them online at

    but if you arent sure about getting them online  just take a friend to your next reliable optical store with ya

    and she then will judge whether glasses fits your face or not

    sometimes you cant trust/depend  opticians and its associates

    speaking of the overall appearance with horn rimmed glasses

    i gotta be honest here girls with horn rimmed glasses usually do look awesome they look quite stylish  at least the majority of them i rarely have discovered girls who looked ugly with it

    hope i could help^^

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