
Ermm.. i think too much

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There's probably no way to solve this and i cant explain it properly, but lately ive been thinking way too much about everything, like i go too deep into things and end up thinking of the most unlikely things that would happen and worry too much about it, and it doesn't help that I'm a natural worrier. Its really hard to explain, but i just want to find a reason why i do this. That's if anyone really understands what I'm trying to get across...:S




  1. Maybe you have too much time on you're hands and you are using this time over analise everything, which in turn is making you more anxious. I would suggest you get involved in stuff you enjoy. Minimise the time you have to sit and think. WORRY does not change anything.

  2. Hey there,

    Is it possible you could have an anxiety disorder?

    I suffer with an anxiety disorder myself, and i found that i worried about irrational things quite often - things that were unlikely to happen.

    Read the source i have quoted, and see if any of this applies to you.

    If you believe it does, then i advise you to go to the doctor. This is the first and biggest step to recovery.

    After going to the doctor, i now benefit from a mixture of cognitive behavioural therapy and drug therapy which has helped me no end.

    I hope this helps you :)

  3. This habit is more common than you think.  You are probably trying to `look into things` too deeply.

    Sometimes you can come to a very useful conclusion looking deep into things, but life is much to complicated to worry about everything.

    Take religion as one of the best examples - you can either think deeply about it, decide it is too confusing, but believe it anyway  - or you can do as I have done  - think, we really do not know what it is all about, and leave it at that.


    2. it seems to me that you're a natural thinker, which means stop worrying about stuff, and make that thinking useful. May i suggest philosophy?

    3.Stop worrying so much, just accept the fact that whatever you think that might happen won't, instead think of all the great outcomes!

  5. i was a bit like this. i started cooking and making all me own food, and it soon gave me something to be occupied with.

  6. We all think to much, its what brains do.

    I was exactly the same,

    You were not born a natural worrier, thats learn,t behaviour, Habit.

    You can spend time trying to figure out why , just as I did.

    Luckily for me I had a mental breakdown and got lots of my issues sorted.

    You need to learn technuiqes to help alter the way you look at things,

    All people are different CBT works 4 some, Meditation worked for me.

    So thoughts pass through our minds all the time ,BUT they are not facts, so let them just pass by like clouds in your mind

    Right then Meditation.

    sit quitely on a chair with your back straight ,bring your back away from the back of the chair, eyes shut, head balanced slighly down.

    shoulders relaxed.

    Its all about the breathing.

    Breathe in and be aware of the breathe for the entire lenght of the in breathe , all your concentration on the breathe , feel how your body feels , feel your stomach rise, where do you feel the breathe ,Nose ,stomach .

    breathe out feel the entire lenght of the breathe ,feel your stomach fall, all your concentration on the out breathe.

    while you are sat there your mind will wander accept that it will , and without force gently return to the breathe, minds wander its what minds do, it will happen a 1000 times ,just return back gently to the breathe.

    Its all about the practice , three times a day seemed a lot to me ,but it works ,

  7. Don't worry, we all worry. Crazy as it seems, all you have to do is think of the worst case scenario, then think, "Well, that's not so bad, and it's not even going to happen!"

  8. Thinking too much for me is positive, cause helps me to find any possible solution for an issue, yes,sometimes happen that you broke up while doing a solution cause you think there is another better way to do it, and for me, that is bad.

    We should everyone learn what is good to go deep to think, and what isn't good to think at all.

    Hard sometimes to understand, and probably philosophy and psychology helps a lot, studying them and helping others.

    It isn't anxiety.

    Write a book or something using your own thoughts..


  9. This happens to me. I can't stop this either.

  10. You sound just like me! I worry about everything and think way too deeply about everything too. And then I panic about it and make myself ill. My Mum also says I suffer from anxiety..... I'm afraid I have no solution, was just letting you know that you're not on your own!  

  11. Don't try to find a reason, because that's again thinking too much.

    I'm not joking. :)

    You need to get out of your head. Try to experience things. Use your senses, like for example concentrate on the smells you smell, the sounds you hear, how your body feels, that kind of things.

    You can start by putting your feet on the ground. Feel them. Take a few deep breaths, and let all your thoughts just pass by. Don't stop your thoughts. Every time you feel that you get distracted by your own thoughts, focus on how you feel, what you hear, things like that. Don't analyse it, that's thinking again. Just feel.

    This helps you to get out of your head.

    An other trick I use once in a while, if I can't sleep because of my thoughts, is to play a game in my head. That helps me get to sleep.

    For exampe, I like the alphabet game. I go through the alphabet with things like names, countries, animals.

    Everytime I get an other thought in my head then the game, I switch back to the game again.

    Very relaxing.

  12. I do that all the time

  13. im like this with finances....i find it usefull to have a hobby,like reading,or if you have to do something try research

    but dont worry,with all the termoil in the world today,its only natural for you to be looking a little deeper into things than you used too

  14. There are a few possibilities -

    if you're going through a difficult time in your life (puberty, break-up of a relationship, bereavement - even a change of job or school, or moving house) this could be a natural temporary blip in your mood;

    if it isn't realted to anything identifyible, or lasts for longer than a week or two, you may be suffering a mild depression. Other signs might include crying for no apparent reason, lack of motivation to do anything, a feeling of hopelessness. The mind is a strange thing - if some unknown thing (a spontaneous, 'natural' chemical imbalance for eg) causes it to become 'depressed', it sometimes looks for (or even invents) an external reason to explain the depression;

    you may have a mild (probably temporary) anxiety disorder (I know little about these, so some answers above might be more useful).

    If the second description seems more accurate - DON'T PANIC!!! Aboout 1 out of every 4 people suffers a bout of depression at some point in their lives. Counselling, psychiactric help, medicines etc can all work wonders. Talk to your GP; most are now very supportive. If it is depression, it sounds mild (though it may not feel like it!).

    In the meantime, it can help ENORMOUSLY if you get out of bed and out of the house early (ie well before lunchtime!), even if only for a twenty minute walk. Physical exercise also helps greatly.

    If you have the support of family and close friends, try talking to them.

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