
Error in my 555 timer circuit?

by  |  earlier

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i have everything hooked up the led goes on but it doesnt flash any help?( it runs on a 9v battery )




  1. Be nice to see the circuit and the values you used, but one resistor connected to pin 6 and 7 must be less than 1/2 than the one connected from Vcc to pin 7 to possibly trigger the output.

    What type of circuit are you using?  Monostable, astable, what?


  2. I think you may be working to the wrong circuit. What you want is an astable such as this..


    don't ignore the extra capacitors, they have a purpose. Decoupling and stabilization components are quite often required to make circuits work.

    The resistor you have used is 22 Ohms which is way too low.

    Make R1 = 1k Ohm. For a capacitor in mfd and R2 in MegOhms the frequency will be in seconds.

  3. I see only 1 resistor.  Typically, there are two: one to charge the timing capacitor, one to discharge the timing capacitor.

    the timing cap is usually between ground and pin 2.  Pin 2 is usually jumpered to pin 6, and one resistor goes from 6 to 7, the other from 7 to +Vcc.

    8 & 4 are usually +Vcc.

    1 should be grounded, and lastly, you'll need a current limiting resistor between pins 3 and the LED anode.  use 330 for 5 V supply, 1k for 12 V supply.  LED cathode goes to ground.

    Sometimes, pin 5 is connected to ground through a small cap.

  4. You may have a unidirectional capacitor installed in the wrong direction.  Try reversing it.

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