
Escitalopram and weight gain?

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Has anyone experienced weight gain whilst taking escitalopram (Cipralex/Lexapro) ?




  1. one of the side effects of psychiatric meds is weight gain

    therefore i prefer natural treatment , also no long term

    side effects

    check on or

    there are testimonials and good success stories

    take care

  2. I was on that for 3 years, and gained 1 1/2 stone

  3. I work in mental health unit so see first hand what effect medication has on our patients, this particular drug has been used along with other drugs on many of our patients and weight gain does seem to be a side effect, however its more a case that the drug increses you appetite as opposed to it just making you put on weight, so if you eat more especially junk then it could make you put on weight quicker. I suggest that you start to monitor your weight, look what your eating and try and come up with a healthy diet plan also try to exercise even if its just a brisk walk once a day, not only will this help you to get fit it will make you feel better mentally. Also speak to your doctor about your weight gain he/she might be able to offer an alternative. Good luck

    Depression and stress often can make you put on weight are you suffering for either of those. I know you obviously taking citalopram for depression but do you think the medication might not be helping you mentally, also dont forget that age slows down your metabolism thus making you prone to weight gain.

    Also could you be suffering form an underactive thyroid condition?

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