
Escrutiating Pain, Swimmers ear HELP!?

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I want to know any home remedies i can use to cure this nasty bacteria thats causing so much pain. I have tried some home remedies like: vinegar, rubbing alcohol, and a mixture of both. I want to know of a new method that will zap the infection fast.




  1. Try a mixture of rubbing alcohol and perioxide.  This will kill the bactaria overtime.  THe alcohol will dry the water out and the perioxide will purify.  This will only slightly decrese the pain.  In the drug store, you can buy some over the counter drops that will completly relieve the pain.  If you don't see them on the shelf just ask the pharmasist.  The kind I brought came in an orange and white box but I cant remember the name.  They were only like $4.00.  The combination of the drops, alchol and perixide will ZAP the pain and infection fast.

  2. I had to go to the doctor and he prescribed me some ear drops...The one thing that helped me so much was having someone hold a hair dryer close to ear set it on the highest setting you can stand it. Believe me it helps, very soothing and it helps you get to sleep. I could not sleep when I had swimmer's ear. My doctor gave me the idea and it worked. I hope this helps.

  3. you can get these drops at the drug store for swimmers ear

    they cost about 5 to 10 $$ for 30 mls

    or you can get the same thing at the pet store

    (ear cleaner / dries the ear canal / with tea tree oil)

    150 mls for 8 $$.

    if you want a "natural" treatment

    tea tree oil.

    you want to get 100 % essential oil

    you can get it at most natural health stores

    to make drops

    1 tbls (15 mls) of a carrier oil

    like olive oil

    canola oil

    sweet almond oil

    grape seed oil

    add 5 to 10 drops of tea tree oil

    you can also use the drops full strength but they will most likely burn

    the burning will go away in time

    it is not damaging the area

    it is just because the skin is irritated

    you get "swimmer's ear" from water being in your ear

    and over time you get a fungal infection

    if you get this allot you can use the above drops

    every time you get water in your ear.

    you can use the tea tree oils as well.

    if you use the tea tree and you find that it burns too much you can use some cream (half and half)

    drip some in your ear let sit for a few min's and let it run out

    it will soak up the oil and also provide some releif to the area.

  4. half and half vinegar and water. This will even out the ph in your ear, dry up the water and give you some relief.

    My daughter had a horrible problem with swimmer's ear and she uses this after swimming and washing her hair.

    Good luck.

  5. Dealing Naturally With Swimmer's Ear

    Swimmer’s Ear aka Otitis Externa

    Fun in the sun and splashing in the water. This is part of the summer ritual for just about all kids! But what can happen with all that water - especially if it gets in the ears and never really gets a chance to dry out?

    Bacteria and fungus love moist, warm conditions and if the ears don’t really get a chance to dry out you or your child may develop Otitis Externa - inflammation of the outer portion of the ear and canal. This problem can be mild to extremely painful.

    With anyone that complains of ear pain, please seek medical attention before using any aromatherapy or Essential Oil treatments. If the person has a perforated eardrum or an Otitis Media (middle Ear Infection) you will not want to use any Essential Oils without consulting with your medical practitioner.

    If indeed you or your child has swimmer’s ear you will need to keep them out of the water for a few days to give the inflammation or mild infection a chance to heal.

    Blend together 3 drops of Roman Chamomile, 1 drop of Lavender and 1 drop of Tea Tree in 1 tablespoon Sweet Almond oil. Then put several drops of this on a cotton ball and wipe the outer portion of the ear and you can also wipe into the ear canal. Do not poke cotton swabs (Q-tips) into the ear canal.

    You can do this a couple times a day. Some people  will tolerate a small piece of cotton held in place in the ear. If so, you can try this at bedtime with a small amount of the above blend on the cotton ball.

    Mullein Garlic Ear Oil

    l 1/4 cup Mullein Flowers

    l 3 Cloves Garlic

    l Olive Oil


    Chop the Garlic into small pieces. Place the Garlic and Mullein flowers in a small glass jar with a lid. Cover the Mullein flowers with Olive Oil and allow to set in the sun for several days, or heat over very low heat for 4 hours. If you are using fresh Mullein flowers, cover your jar with cheesecloth rather than a lid to allow moisture to escape. Strain the oil through cheesecloth and store your oil in a small dropper bottle in the refrigerator.

    To use warm the oil to body temperature by placing the bottle of oil in a glass of hot water for a few minutes. Insert 2-3 drops in the affected ear 2-3 times per day.

    If there is fluid oozing from the ear or any chance that the ear drum is perforated do not use the ear oil and consult your doctor.

    Onions for Earaches

    This one’s a bit strange, but works very well.

    Make an onion poultice and apply externally over the infected ear. Cut an onion up, stick it in a hot oven until it starts to turn brown (make sure you set it in a glass pan to catch any juices, remove from oven, wrap in a piece of cotton or muslin, and apply.

    You can also use the juice from the onion in your ear in the same way that you would Garlic oil. Works like a charm! The heat feels really good, too.

    Hope this helps :)


  6. Hyland's Earache Drops (available at Whole Foods) work well, if vinegar, alcohol and hydrogen peroxide have already been tried.

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