
Esophageal cancer?!?

by Guest63460  |  earlier

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Please help me. I am very worried now. I've been getting a stabbing pain between my shoulder blades (breast level, a little to the right side) in my upper back after almost every time I eat. I also have some throat pain which (could also be due to my allergic rhinitis). This has been going on for about a week. I am very worried that it could be a peptic ulcer or even esophageal cancer. The thing is that i am a 19 year-old female. Should I even be concerned about cancer?

Any advice will be deeply appreciated. Thank you.




  1. You probably have a hiatal hernia or severe esophagitis.  There are precancerous conditions that can prevent, such as Barrett's esophagitis, but as stated above, you'd have to be a heavy drinker, etc.  You can also have achalasia or some esophageal dysmotility.

  2. There is one way,and only one way to be sure. Go see a Gastroenterologist. If he thinks your symptoms warrant, he can look to make sure you do not have a cancer of the esophagus.  Just tell him you don't want to know anything about it if he scopes you.

    Unexplained pain should always be investigated.

  3. Unless you have early, young, cancer in your family or you drink alcohol super heavy for many years, I would not worry. You still need to see your primary DR. It could be gas or heart burn. These symptoms you describe could be either and cured with tums or a prescription.
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