
Esoteric practices have always believed that DREAMS to be Gateways to other forms of consciouness, other

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realms of thoughts what do you think?& What are the other forms of consciouness anyway????Do we need to be aware of them even when we dream?




  1. There is a belief that has some Merritt in the Field of quantum physics that suggests every event in our world has its own time line that time is a plain rather than a linear course, That being said some believe that the dream phase may be a visit to the alternate events.

    If your driving down a road and you turn left instead of going right , the thought of going right creates its own course and moves on in its own time .

    The fact that we left an energy signature there allows it to have its own time line , the suggestion is we visit the alternates in our dreams.Wether or not you need to be aware of them is entirely up to you, however it has a possibility of crossing your reality with an alternate one.  

  2. do magic mushrooms

  3. I think when we dream we're experiencing higher levels of creation that haven't manifested in our wake state which is just being completely awake in the same dream. Studying dreams might help with problems in your wake state, but I don't think they will lead you to higher levels of awareness. Only slowing and ultimately stopping your mind and not identifying with it will raise your consciousness.

  4. there is stream of consciousness. thats 1

  5. Have you ever thought that your dreams are a function of what you ate for supper?

  6. You should really just read The Dream Game by Ann Faraday. It explains dreams rationally and psychologically and teaches you to understand what your own dreams mean.

  7. I think that this is true only in the sense that the mind is processing information that is not directly related to present sensory input.

    Do we need to be aware of them?

    I have learned things from my dreams.

  8. the part about quontum physics a bit of sense, i find when iam stressed i cant remember dreaming at all or i have really messed up nightmares. but when iam relaxed i have vivid dreams like cartoons in my head. i find iam kindof quite so like the physics guy says i dream alternate endings to events that have happened in my life. usually it comes down to me beeing a bolder person and having a better outcome.   maybe i should listen to my dreams, as anything within reaso is possible.

    some say your subconscious mind takes over during dreaming

    it controls everything from memory to breathing, basically anything that isnt currently thought of

    it is said to take over when sleeping, like solving issues in ur life or alternate endings

  9. Terrific. Makes sense.

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