
Esp people come here?

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The First Ability I Have is to read anything with my eyes close. When i close my eyes and breath in and out i see a white blank space thier. And can see the outside world through the blank white space. Infact i told someone about the power and he didnt belive so he put a book in front of me and i closed my eyes breathed in and out and the white blank space came and i read a paragraph in the book. But i really have to concentraite my energy to do it. What is this called does anyone else have it

Another power i have is when im in bed or something and someone is walking around even without using th blank white space between my eyebrows i feel vibrations and know who it is. And i told someone of this ability i had when we were in school and wanted to test it so he asked me to close my eyes and he was going to tell someone to walk and he told me to tell him who it was. So i told him i would do it but i needed the whole class quiet so i can feel the vibrations and i felt them and them and

39 minutes ago - 3 days left to answer.

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38 minutes ago

they vibrations i recieved were very light so i knew it had to be a very skinny person so i thought it was the skinniest person in our class and i said his name and i was right.

Anyone else know or heared of this strange ability who can i improve on it what is it called

33 minutes ago

Please im not here to argue i need to know if there are any others out thier like me please if your going to try to insult please dont respond

32 minutes ago

im not deluded at all i need to know if there are any others like me please dont respond if you are going to insult me or i will report you

29 minutes ago


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  1. maybe your spirit guides should aid you in how to spell.

  2. i don't have either of these, but i wish i did. check the link.

  3. How is it that you press a book to your head and only one paragraph comes to you?  Could you read the whole thing--word for word--to your buddy?  If so, I would be very impressed.

    You said yourself there is nothing special about *guessing* who is walking.

    I used to imagine all sorts of fanciful things at 13.

  4. Go for the million dude!!!

    You'll be rich and famous in no time if this is true!

  5. This is either an instance of remote viewing or clairvoyance. Remote viewing is when one focuses, and can see things that they can not physically see at the moment. Clairvoyance, literally meaning, clear vision, means... Well... I don't exactly know. Google it.

  6. The first one, seeing through the blank white space--clairvoyance if I'm not mistaken. What you're seeing through is your third eye, which is between your eyebrows. I've done that, though not to that extent (while walking my dog one day, I closed my eyes and continued to walk, still seeing the sidewalk in front of me).

    feeling vibrations, that one I'm not sure about. Anybody "sensitive" will be able to pick that up. Can you sense the emotions of others as well? I'm not sure what this though.

    I believe ya. :) I'm an empath, I feel emotions and emotional energy, as well as energy in general around me.

  7. I don't know where you are, or which country you're in, but the ability to read with your eyes closed is an interesting claim, so would it be possible to contact a University in your area to see if they could conduct tests?

    The other claim is, I think, less interesting, because it is quite easy to identify someone by the sound of their walk.


  8. I think mirko might be right...seems like remote viewing to me...for the first one about the book. But the hearing one...I guess you don't "see" the person in your I don't know. I know there is something about vibrations though. Have you heard about or seen on tv that boy who is blind and he makes noises (like clicks with his tongue) and he can tell where things are by the vibrations coming back from the clicks. (This is hard to explain if you haven't seen it.)

  9. dude - i won't insult you.

    h**l, i'll buy anything from you.

    the first thing i can think of is 'remote viewing' - try to google.

    no esp needed to see you're a little too excited, however.

    calm down.

    between the people who will answer you here there will be some who know about it.

    just wait...


    some say clairvoyance and remote viewing and seeing with the third eye are all the same.


    clairvoyance (kler voens)

    1 the supposed ability to perceive things that are not in sight or that cannot be seen

    2 keen perception or insight

    plus, over the years, 'clairvoyance' became synonym with 'seeing the future' also - which is not your case.

    until you begin seeing 'spirits' or 'things that are not in sight or that cannot be seen', stick to my first suggestion:

    Remote viewing (RV) is the purported ability for a viewer to gather information on a remote target that is hidden from the physical perception of the viewer and typically separated from the viewer at some distance, a form of extra-sensory perception. The term was introduced by Russell Targ and Harold Puthoff in 1974.

    As with other forms of extra-sensory perception, the objective validity of remote viewing is disputed, and critics such as Randi and Clarke say they can explain RV experimental results by normal means.

  10. 1. Remote viewing.

    2. Clairesentient (means "clear feeling").
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