
Essay help?

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i have to write an essay, and i chose hybird cars over regular diesal fuled ones.

help w. 3 reasond why?

thanks <3




  1. Regular cars in the U.S. have gasoline and not diesel engines. Some pickup trucks are available with diesel engines, and all the big rig trucks have diesel engines.

    A gasoline electric hybrid car gets better fuel economy than a regular gasoline car.

    Small diesel cars can get fuel economy about as good as a gasoline electric hybrid. Small diesel cars are popular in Europe. Mercedes and Volks Wagon sell some diesel models in the U.S.

    Diesel electric hybrids are possible. Almost all railroad locomotives are diesel electric hybrid for example. But nobody has made a small diesel electric hybrid car yet as far as I know.

  2. There is a lot going in the hybrid car world right now. You might check out this really helpful post that includes a link to another helpful site - New energy or hybrid technology was a good choice - one of the managers over at Chery, a Chinese automaker that hopes to make half the cars in China a hybrid by 2010 said -

    “New energy is a driving force for the sustainable development of auto industry, by 2010 more than fifty percent of the vehicles produced by Chery will be equipped with hybrid systems, and half of those vehicles will be powered by new energy”

    But check out the link it has some good info.

  3. hybrid cars are environment-friendlier that gasoline and diesel cars.

    diesel cars are worse than gasoline cars in polluting the environment

    diesel fuel does not burn as efficiently as gasoline or hydrogen thus leaving plenty of exhaust which is bad for people and the environment

    diesel cars produce more blowby
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