
Essay on the mona lisa in french, need some help!?

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It was my first day back in school and i was given an essay to write in french on the mona lisa, i'm only 15 so not much is expected but i need some pointers as to what i should say, i have already said that leonardo da vinci is the painter and its in the louvre.. but thats all i know how to write.. i do know that the mona lisa is a painting of the wife of a rich silk merchant but thats a bit hard for me to translate, is there anyway to expand on what i have said but keep it simple, some french phrases would be appreciated :D.





  1. Try looking up the Louvre website in French:

    "Le portrait fut probablement peint à Florence entre 1503 et 1506. Il s'agirait du portrait de Lisa Gherardini, épouse de Francesco del Giocondo, marchand d'étoffes florentin, dont le nom féminisé lui valut le "surnom" de Gioconda, francisé en "Joconde". La Joconde ne fut sans doute pas livrée à son commanditaire. Il semble que Léonard l'ait emportée en France et que son élève et héritier Salaï l'ait rapportée en Italie. Mais on ignore comment elle parvint dans la collection de François Ier. "

  2. un sourir enigmatique

    un expression calme

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