
Essays for : If you were among the first coloniers of a new planet what would you bring from earth?

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Essays for : If you were among the first coloniers of a new planet what would you bring from earth?




  1. BEER!!!

    Seriously, you need to develop some form of agriculture and food production quickly, and either a whole eco system would need to be imported, of the local environment adapted for growing our crops, asuming that local plants are inedibel (which would be likely)


    Other people: we are not meant to be alone.


    Medical supplies and trained medics among the people


    Some means of producing electricity and sanitising water.

    Oh, and BEER!

  2. I think Dimpledork has the right idea.  Spread peace and serenity throughout the galaxy with marijuana.  Hemp and man have a symbiotic relationship, and it would be kinda dumb to colonize another planet without bringing our most useful plant.

  3. Oxygen,Food, Water, Shelter and a good woman

    Oh...and a way to get back to re-stock

    Haha I'm with the chick below me...Marijuana

  4. The first thing you'd bring are germs. (Whether you wanted to or not.)

  5. check this out..

  6. marijuana..or the seeds thereof

  7. toilet paper

  8. a sleeping bag, matches, toilet paper, MREs, and a shovel

  9. The Bible

  10. aaahhh, my first thought is the cheesy answer of "books about Earth, its history and people" so that future generations could know about it...

  11. a planetary defense system to keep certain people out.

  12. 2 cows, male & a female

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