
Establishing Yourself As The Alpha?

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How Exactly do you do that with a dog?

Since I just got a dog I don't want him thinking he's in control.




  1. Put him on a leash and keep him tied to you for a while.

    If he has to follow you around and watch your every move, he'll come to understand who is boss dog.

    You don't have to be harsh.  Just do what you normally do.  When your sitting, the dog lays by you.  When you're up and about, the dog follows you.

    Make him wait to eat.

    Put the food in the bowl and hold it up where he can't reach it.  Don't give it to him until he's sitting quietly.  

    If he's a nut, get someone to help you by holding the leash and enforcing the sit.

    Make him wait for permission to be in your lap and on furniture.  He should sit until invited up.

    He should have his own bed on the floor.  Sleeping with you puts you on "even ground", which dogs take to mean they can dominate you.

    Don't stress about being alpha.

    Most dog's "get it" right from birth and have no trouble.  Proper training and socialization are all they need to be good pets.  Consider an obedience class or get a book from the library.

    "The Monks of New Skeet" give common sense advise.


  2. There is nothing wrong with letting your dog sleep on your bed or furniture as long as the dog moves when you ask.

    You are in control of everything he needs, you set the rules. As long as you have rules of behavior that is enough to set you as "top dog'.

    Remember this whole dominance theory is pretty much based on flawed captive wolf studies. Wolves in the wild don't behave the way they do in captivity.

  3. I have shared my life with dogs for 50 years and it is not difficult to be the Pack Leader.  It is mostly about your attitude, your energy, your consistency.  Be calm, positive and enforce your rules by being firm, but fair.  NO yelling, just firm, calm correction.

    It has nothing to do with whether or not you let them on the furniture or the bed.  It has to do with respect for authority.  It is very much the same as with children.  Follow through with your rules even when you are tired or distracted.  Be consistent with your rules.  Make them easy to understand.

    It helps to go to obedience training.  You will both learn a lot about positive correction techniques.  Don't get stressed, dogs respond better to calm energy.

  4. Don't allow him to get on the furniture because it makes him feel higher and in control.  Eat before he does, that is a huge thing.  When feeding him, make him sit and wait for you to give him his bowl.  While he is waiting and watching you, pretend to eat out of the bowl, then give him the food and allow him to eat.  Don't let him sleep on your bed with you, that's really a major no no.  Take him to training classes as well.  They will help both of you understand who is the alpha.

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