
Esteban midnight legacy electric guitar help??

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what do i set my amp levels to??? and what do i set the k***s on my guitar to? he never said on the DVD and idk how to make it sound like he is playing when he uses the boost. plz help???




  1. Just mess around and experiement until you get your own unique sound!

    People are always trying to get a sound like Stevie Ray Vaughn. (Appologies if I spelled his name wrong haha) and they are usually not very successful

    But why not try to get your own nice sound that you enjoy? Just experiment!

  2. Esteban can PLAY A GUITAR and you CAN'T... and that is the difference between how HE sounds and how you would like to sound.

    Why don't you just PLAY with the controles?  Why does this current generation have to have someone tell the EVERYTHING about how to do anything... when I was young I EXPERIMENTED with things to make the work... but all I see on Answers is questions from people who don't seem able to EXPERIMENT with something as simple as the controls on an Amp.

    HINT... You will NEVER get your guitar to sound like the one Esteban plays on the DVDs because he is NOT PLAYING AN ESTEBAN GUITAR on those DVD's... I saw a short clip of one on the last HSN show and that guitar he is playing is a TAYLOR... it's NOT an Esteban.

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