
Esther on Y&R...could it be??

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Cory posted that it may come out that Esther is Chloe's mom...wouldn't it be funny if Esther had an affair with Phillip and Chloe was their daughter which would make her Cane's half sister???




  1. I know I read that post too. I sure hope not for Esther's sake. That would just be awful, Esther is such a good person. I know she had her daughter in boarding school and that her name is Kate. So it is going to be interesting to see if it really is her daughter and if it is, why did Chloe change her name and why hasn't she been in touch with Esther. I am sure she would know her mother is living in GC. I too think she hooked up with Billy and that is why Cane cant be excluded.

  2. If that turns out to be true, l think it's a lot of bull!

    Chloe has been in GC how long now?!

    Doesn't she know her mother and where her mother lives?!

    If she does, then why hasn't she paid mommy dearest a visit yet?!

    Esther's daughter was supposed to be away in some school, didn't she know anything about Mrs C and Jill?!

    If Billy is the supposed father, didn't he and she talk about where he's from or anything?!

    Man, l'm sooo tired of these revolving story lines!!

  3. well Chloe is not going any where soon she signed a 3 year contract, and i already wrote on here that cain and billy are half brothers.

  4. Hmmm maybe.  I have been watching this soap for many years now.  I had forgotten that Ester had a kid.  Poor Ester if Chloe is her kid.  Chloe is one big wack job.  I bet that would be funny if it turns out that the kid belongs to Billy or someone else in the family.  I want Lily and Cane to be back together.  

  5. okay I have said this more than one time the whole cane,chloe ,jill thing makes me sick . I want chloe to go away and never come back and I am going to be laughing when billy steps in and says this is his kid. well guess what bye bye chloe .

  6. That would be far out!  But I don't think I like it, since it would make it harder for Chloe to disappear completely from all story lines, like I'm always hoping she will.

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