
Estimated cost for tattoo excision 3 inches wide by 1 and a half centremetres high?

by  |  earlier

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In Adelaide preferably.

I just want a rough price before i consider paying a lot of money for an actual consultation then find out it is more than i can afford.




  1. What kind of tattoo is it and where is it at? Is it something you regret, a name of someone, and do you really want it removed? A lot of people just opt for something to go over it. I know some people who have had tattoos redone and other tattoo's covered up rather then paying to have it removed. Either way the choice is up to you

    Tattoo removal is big cosmetic business and as such is not covered by any medical insurance plans. Tattoo removal is much more expensive than tattoo placement. Laser tattoo removal can range from several hundred dollars up into the thousands of dollars, depending upon the size, type and location of the tattoo and the number of visits required and most simple tattoos are removed in 2 - 4 treatments scheduled about 4-8 weeks apart. Removing complex and deep tattoos requires a series of treatments spaced approximately 8 weeks apart or longer. Professional tattoos usually require 6-10 treatments for complete clearing. A large, professional tattoo in color can cost thousands of dollars to remove, and the success of the procedure still can not be guaranteed.

    Good luck!

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