
Estimated cost to repair a damages to my car?

by  |  earlier

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i got into an accident today and barb wire scraped across my car so there

are a bunch of tiny scratches down to the primer.. Im wondering how much that would cost.. and also the barb wire scraped across the left bottom headlight on the back of my car and tore off some of the paint and stuff and there's a piece sticking out now. how much do you think all this would cost? theres no dents or anything just scratches.. its a brand new car too so i want to get it fixed.can i do any of this myself..

i know nothing about cars tho.




  1. With out knowing what exactly which parts are damaged I can't give you an accurate estimate. From what you have described it sounds like you have scratches from front to back and need some repairs on the piece that's sticking out.You are looking at about $5000.00 to get the whole car painted. But that's just a worst case scenario. If their was a better description of exactly which parts are damaged the cost would be closer and more accurate.

  2. if the scratches are deep like the paint was removed then i think u can't fix it your self

    white diamond: usually most expensive

    black: a little cheaper than white diamond one

    other colors are usually cost less but it depends on the car brand/model

    and a picture would really be helpful  

  3. All of that is definitely best left to a professional, espectially if its to the base-coat. There is no touch up paint that will cover that up. Paint work is extremely difficult to work with. If you are insured you can always consult your agent and see if they can cover you without increasing your payments. It might be easier to pay your deductible and just get it done right.

    If thats not the case however, then i would go to a paint shop such as Macco and get it re-done but the same color to minimize imperfections since the cheaper paint plans will have minor imperfections. ie: door jams, trunk jams and under the hood. The cheapest plans can be anywhere from 300-1000

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