
Estimation on this ebay product im gonna sell?

by  |  earlier

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I was wondering how much i would get for this...... i was a star wars collector i have around 50-70 figures, 2 jedi startfighters, millenium falcon ( im not very good at spelling sorry) tri-fighter, at-at, walker,collectors tin, x-wing.......does anyone no about an estimation of what i would get for it???




  1. I'm not sure about this, maybe you should sell them to those who collect these kinda toys, they might pay you good bucks.

  2. It be best to sell them in smaller lots than all together (you'll get more that way).

    The AT-AT is the only thing that will get you anything, maybe the droid tri-fighter, and the figs (depending on who they are and if they are complete).

    The jedi starfighter and x-wing have been release many tmes and in many different configurations so the are not worth much.  And the Millenium Falcon will lose all value cause of the new BMF Falcon being released this summer.

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