
Ethanol gas prices are they really lower?

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I never really liked the idea of E85 because it doesn't seem like the right solution i would much rather have an electric car or one that runs off of hydrogen. Now regarless of your thoughts on this debate the reason i tell you this is because i stoped caring about ethanol and there for stopped looking to see how cheap the gas was. This was back in the day of mid twos vs normal gas being 3 dollars but now that gas is at four dollars what is the average for ethanol. Is it still some were around three dollars or has it gone up with everything else and if so......why?




  1. Anywhere from $2.50-$3.00 depending on where you are.

    Expect this to increase dramatically due to food shortage issues. Maize dependent nations like Mexico are already struggling before the "shortage" because most of the corn in the US that would be sold to produce food is going towards making ethanol.

  2. They are cheaper, for the time being.

    As time goes by, with more and more demands on these items, the price will surely goes higher, maybe even higher than fossil fuel. Same goes to electricity vehicles as well as solar powered vehicles. IMO...get a donkey or horse or maybe a camel for a change.

  3. Your tax dollars make it cheaper.

  4. Reason ethanol is so cheap it is subsidized by the government.  You get less fuel economy with it as well.  If the refineries would get their act together and price diesel right, that would be a good short-term solution.  The new clean diesel is good and the upcoming Volkswagen Jetta diesel will get in the mid 50's on the highway.

  5. I was just talking to a guy the other day that uses E85.  He says its about 40 cents less per gallon but he also says he usually gets 3 to 4 miles LESS per gallon when using it.

  6. yes,from what i've read it is. a new study from Iowa state university backs up what ethanol industry officials have been saying for the last month. increased ethanol production has helped keep down high gasoline prices. in the midwest gas prices were reduced by 40 cents a gallon due to blending cheaper ethanol with gasoline.

  7. i don't think the ethonal gas is any better for the enviornment.

  8. In our area E-85 is available for about 70 - 75 cents less than unleaded gas.  In my flex fuel vehicle I get about 15% less mileage with E-85 so the numbers work for me.  Plus I like the fact that I am sending less money to OPEC.

    The other thing to be aware of is that most of the negative press about ethanol is totally distortion.  It is the result of a massive negative campaign by oil interests including the Saudis who have hired PR agencies ( using all sorts of false fronts) to plant much false and misleading information about ethanol.

    For instance the food shortage.  Over 90% of corn has never been used directly for human food.  It has been fed to livestock.  Well guess what, there are several byproducts of ethanol production, with the main one being livestock feed.  Most of the feed value of the corn is still there and cattle love it.  So that corn-fed beef is still eating corn.  

    In fact ethanol may in a small way be keeping food costs lower than they would be. Why? Well the price of food at the store has more transportation costs than raw food stock costs.  So if ethanol even reduces demand for oil by a small percentage it keeps oil lower than it would go - thus keeping increases in transport costs lower and making sure food costs increases aren't even higher than they are now.

  9. This is the gas that has 10% ethanol in it right? Because I bought a gallon of it by my work in Benicia CA for $4 yeasterday and was not impressed. F*** GAS PRICES! I'm taking my skate  board and tying it to my dog so I can get around! HAHA who thinks we are gonna go back to the horse and buggy days?

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