
Ethanol: what percentage of our current corn production...?

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goes directly toward making alcohol for consumption, and feeding cattle and dairy cows?

(overall, not counting the mash runoff from alcohol production which becomes livestock feed which has a double use)

would an augmentation of our current gluttonous eating and drinking habits make usage of corn for ethanol production more plausible or less plausible?

and if marijuana were legalized for recreational use would it lessen our overall consumption, and thereby the demand for, corn used in alcohol production?

I've heard of studies indicating mj legalization would probably lessen the overall alcohol consumption in the country




  1. I do not know the amount to feed livestock, but I do know that this year alone, roughly 1/3 of the corn grown in this country is going to be used for ethanol consumption.

  2. to much . is it silly make energy out of food. what happens if there are droughts and disease. what would the cost be?

  3. I don't know if it would have any effect on overall drinking but it would ease the corn/ethanol problem......because Hemp makes a better grade of ethanol and you get three crops a year as opposed to one with corn.

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