
Ethernet card help!!?

by  |  earlier

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there seems to be a problem with my ethernet card - whenever i plug my lan cable in, and then use an application that requires the internet, my computer freezes.

as a matter of fact, i have another ethernet card, but i try not to use it because its slightly defective, however, this problem does not occur when i use the defective one

can anyone tell me what the problem might be? the card is Realtek RTL8139/810x Family Fast




  1. IT Technology


  2. The computer freezes due to the driver confliction. First check any existing drivers presents or not. if u find anyother ethernet driver please remove all other drivers and not to install the application from the CD which u got from the manufacturer. After removing all the existing drivers shut down ur system and insert the LAN Card and start the system. then open device manger and check the device has been detected or not. if it is not detected use another lan card. if it is detected(shows yellow mark) right click over the card and select update drivers and click next. and try to install the driver manually...

  3. Maybe you don't have the drivers installed correctly.

    Have you ever tried using Ubuntu instead?  It will most likely detect your network card automatically, and it will run a lot more stable.  You won't have to worry about spyware and viruses, because it's very sfae against malware.
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