
Ethical Dilemma?

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You are an engineer, but you are not working on your company’s Department of Transportation (DOT) project.

One day you overhear a conversation in the cafeteria between the program manager and the project engineer that makes you reasonably sure a large contract will soon be given to the ABC Company to develop and manufacture a key DOT subsystem.

ABC is a small firm, and its stock is traded over the counter.

You feel sure that the stock will rise from its present $2.25 per share as soon as the news of the DOT contract gets out.

Would you go out and buy ABC’s stock?

1. Are you following the rules that are understood & accepted?

2. Are you comfortable discussing & defending your actions?

3. What if everyone acted this way?

4. Are there alternatives that rest on firmer ethical ground?




  1. Presuming you work for ABC, then it would be considered insider trading if you bought stock based on that information in advance of the public's knowledge.

  2. It is insider information and it is illegal. You came by your information because you work for a company that is involved in the contract whether you are personally working on it or not.

    Basically, if it is not public information you are in the wrong.

  3. If you do not work for ABC or for DOT and if you do not already have a 5% stake in any of those companies, you should be fine.

    You would be violating the essence of the rules, but from a legal sense you should be okay.
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