
Ethically speaking and by public concensus, when is it "safe" to sleep with someone you met?

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Ethically speaking and by public concensus, when is it "safe" to sleep with someone you met?




  1. Your wedding night and not before.

  2. Technically, it's never safe to sleep with anyone. The risk of cervical cancer is increased in sexually active women, among other issues. Casual s*x can be risky at any time, that's why relationships are best entered into, to make sure he/she isn't an axe murderer before becoming "attached". It's safest when you feel safe with the other person.

  3. Honestly, when there is a ring on your finger.

  4. 2 hours.

  5. it took me an half hour to sleep with my bf and now we have been together for for over 4yrs, its up to the person i guess

  6. Unless you literally fall asleep on a couch together while watching a boring movie, I would say wait 'til you're married. If relationship doesn't work out, that's one less thing to regret. Besides too many things can go wrong like an unwanted pregnancy or diseases.

  7. always keep one eye open

    even when youre married.

    no words can convince you that they have enough commitment. to be sure about it get the ring, then you know he's worth the effort.

    its a waste of time sleeping around for pleasure. sure you have fun but after you will feel used or that it was a stupid thing to do.

    friends and family will be glad that you have a partner but wont be impressed if he doesnt stay around, and will get fed up if its repeated again, and again, and again, and .. you get the idea.

  8. After you have both been screened for STD's

  9. When you're married (hopefully you would have met them by then!).

  10. When you know that he/she loves you.... and it's not a hobby to sleep with someone.

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