
Ethics: What should you do if a cashier undercharges you?

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Say you purchase an item and the cashier charges you $2.60 instead of $26.00. You notice the error. And you could use the savings. Would you tell the cashier or conveniently let it go and pocket the savings?




  1. that happened to me before but at that time i was broke and homeless so i needed the savings real bad. but 9 times out of 10 the cashier is not going to get fired. i looked at it like at that time the company had more money than me so i didnt say anything and while she was ringing me up, i was hoping she didnt notice.

  2. I been there several times. when I was younger I kept the money not realizing that the cashier could lose there job. now I tell them. I wont get some one fired over 20 bucks. thats really not very much money

  3. I would tell the cashier the error, what's right is right, and taking the money wouldn't feel right to me.  Even though I might really need the savings, I would feel guilty and bad after if I took the money. :D

  4. prpbably just move on

  5. keep the money if they undercharged you who cares your not taking money from a cashiers pocket, your taking it from someone who has enough money to own a business, in which case if its a small family owned place they prob payed 10 dollars for the 26 dollar item, and if its a large retailer NO ONE CARES

  6. I was once undercharged for books at a bookstore by 40 dollars!! I told her immediately, I would want someone to tell me!

  7. Well it's not coming out of the cashier's pocket.

    It's coming out of a business.

    Plus, they aren't losing $20 - they probably bought the item they sold to you for half the price they sold it to you for.

    BUT - some places will make you give the difference of your drawer out of your pocket or out of your check. So, it may end up with the cashier loosing $20!

    Personally, I wouldn't even notice, I'm so spacy like that.

    I'd notice later on and feel bad, but wouldn't go back to the store.

  8. You should give it to the Homeless dude behind Burger King. They need that money, its better then being honest and giving it back. The business is making enough money already. Be a good samaritan and give it to the homeless dudes.

  9. It's happened many times and I always tell them. Or if they give me back too much change, same thing , I tell them.  Integrity is doing the right thing when nobobdy is watching ;)

  10. If it were that much of a difference I would for sure let them know.If it were only a dollar or two it would depend on my mood whether or not i said something.

  11. I always say something- even at subway when they say my sandwich if they don't mention avocado I say "plus avocado."

    I'm honest to a fault apparently.

  12. Tell the cashier... I've had this happen to me at the grocery store... The manager ended up not changing the error... see, honesty has its rewards. If I hadn't done that, it would have lingered in my conscience. Do the right thing...

  13. I would tell the cashier because in some places if the cashier is short at the end of shift it could come out of their paycheck.

  14. umm if your paying with cash id think they would catch that haha. nah i would just pocket it cus i never even check how much im gettin back (bad habit)

  15. Definitly, Its wrong to take the money that isnt yours. Plus the Lord sees all and he wouldnt be too fond of that

  16. I would "tell the cashier" because it's the right thing to do and so that the cashier's drawer is not short.

    Thanks for asking.

  17. I let it go and say nothing because its not my problem they messed up and I save 23.40$

  18. I would give it back because I know what it is like to have to pay..

  19. In the case asked, correct the error.  I mean really.  If you dropped $20 on the ground, you hope someone would tell you right?  Last time, I confess, the grocer cashier gave me a senior discount percentage, saving me $7.  Is that bad?

  20. be honest and tell the casheir. otherwise, you would be stealing.

  21. let it go lol

  22. I would tell the cashier.  If it's only a few cents, it would be fine, but with such a big difference, somebody's sure to notice.  I'd just tell him in case he gets into trouble later with his boss.

  23. like a RAT. She has to pay up for her negligence. btw, the economy APPROVES of this answer........

  24. Unfortunately, our world operates more and more on a low value system. The answer which is the closest to true self actualization would be that even if you know for certain you would never be caught, you would do what it truthful and honorable.

    Sadly, we live in a society of people who are are all about me me me instead of what is right.

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