
Ethics dilemma caused by a soda bottle points reward: Self-service vs. Sharing for nothing. Is it wrong?

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Here's the deal: A dude who works next to me likes to drink this brand of soda, who actually has a cool rewards program on the internets. So: I want his bottle caps after he puts them in the trash so I can get points. He doesn't know of the program.

I could

1) Tell him about the rewards. He seems like he might not give a hoot.

2) Not tell him, and grab his bottle when he's throws it in the trash.

Normally I like to share, but I think if I share the information I'm giving up a steady source of points, which might get wasted anyway if he's not into it. If I don't tell him I don't lose anything, instead I earn points.

Also the program allows me to give his e-mail and get some points for referring... but I feel like I would be infringing into his privacy. See? I'm concerned...

But anyway, should I tell, or keep my mouth shut?




  1. Just ask for him his bottles because you want to recycle. He doesn't need to know the real reason.

  2. I would tell him about it and mention that you see him throw his bottles out. Ask him if he plans on joining and if not, would he mind if you took his empty bottles. No sense worrying or starting any problems over a soda bottle rewards program.

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