
Ethics of adapting a news story for the screen?

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I have an ethical question that may not really have an answer, but I'd just like to get some opinions on.

I would like to write and direct a film based on a real event that was quite prominent in the news a couple of years ago. Although I will be changing character names, personalities, and locations, I want many of the basic details and events to remain the same.

So, the dilemma for me is, are there legal issues regarding this type of adaptation (as it was on the news, isn't it considered "public domain"?)

Also, this event was tragic, and while I don't want the film to mirror it exactly, I'm somewhat torn about whether or not I have a moral responsibility to involve the family and survivors, and what duty, if any, I would have to respect their wishes if they expressed that they did not want this film made.

Any thoughts?




  1. Its a free game dear. Like you said, as long as you change the name of the characters and possibly change the location (city, state) you are protected and no one can come after you with a civil claim. I took a copyright law course last semester and i remember it vividly one similar case. This author wrote a book about this family who was kidnapped and tortured. Like you, he found out about the story on the news and wrote a book about what the family went through. However, he changed names, changed the location and added little fiction, and exaggerated a little bit. The family sued the author and the publisher saying that this book is about them. I believe author even admitted that yes he got the idea for the book from the news coverage of this family's unfortunate event. Judge, however,  said the book is completely different from the original story and there is enough creativity in it to be as a work of its own. The idea itself cannot be copyrighted.

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