
Ethics on Applying Makeup at the Office Restroom?

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I have to work early in the morning. I shower, comb, get dressed, put some moisturizer cream, and grab my lunch. I rather not put color then bec I loose time without noticing and it can get ruined on the way to work. I drive and I carry a hand bag with makeup. There are other 2 work mates (middle aged ladies). Sometimes they have their makeup on sometimes not. After about 10 minutes working I say I need to go to the restroom and put on my make up in there. I only use shadows, lipstick and rouge, no base, concealer or liner; this takes me about 5 minutes, but I hate to do it in front of everyone. The workmates have noticed the change and give me weird looks and today one of them said --Can't you wake up early enough in the morning to put on your makeup? --I said, blankly, no!. None of them are my supervisors. My real boss seems not to care about it. Her comment upset me. What do you think? Is this ethically right or wrong? Please advise!

BTW the 2 ladies chit chat a lot.




  1. As someone else said, they are probably a bit jealous that you are young and beautiful while they are old and haggard.  It also sounds to me likes these two old crows are an inseparable duo so it would probably be better to just ignore them and go about your business.

    BTW, it's perfectly fine to apply a little makeup at work.  We all lead busy lives and sometimes it's necessary to do things at the office.  Heck, I usually shave at the office because every minute I spend at home means traffic will be that much worse.

  2. one should not really abuse the office restroom- but on the other hand- if you didn't have time to have a poo in the morning before you left the house, they would have no objection to you using it then- and that might take you longer than 5 mins-

    Ignore these women- they have nothing better to do-

  3. Oh, your question and comments strike close to home for me.  I do this every blue moon, not everyday.  Same story, takes about 5 mins. for me to do...  

    I think 1. you are right to do it in the bathroom

    2. keeping it at 5 mins, no one can really complain

    3.  These chicks are jealous and have nothing better to talk about ... 4REAL.  

    Just keep being discreet and if your superiors are not commenting on things you are cool!    

    BIG UPS TO YOU, i've done the same thing! LOL

  4. I wouldn't worry about what anybody else says to you in this regard.  Wearing make-up and putting it on in the privacy of a business washroom is your business and its personal.  Having to share this kind of space is just how it is when many people work in the same office or building.  You aren't bothering anyone else and it is not an offensive act, so don't let the other women get to you.  There are lots of reasons why people complain about such trivial things, but they just might stop if they could walk in your shoes for a few days.

  5. Your fine, they don't understand you ways and just a plan no doesn't help them understand your ways!  but they really don't need to understand your ways its YOUR WAY!

    your in the bathroom... who knows maybe you take a morning dumb at that too (gross) but what business is it of theirs!

    I don't thing your doing anything wrong!  but if it comes up just say i left something in my car and do it there!

    if you care that much about what they think!

    But frankly i would tell them to shove it i have a routiine and it works!

    i'm sure if you watch them all day instead of doing your work you will see they chit chat more then work!

  6. I think they may even simply be jealous if you. Dw about it. Try not to care, as long as they're not your boss, it shouldn't make any difference. Besides since they chit chat so much they're probabbly gossipy old hags who have nothing interesting to involve themselves in. Try not to take heed.

    Oh and btw, I would do the same thing if I were you! Besides, even if you woke up super early to do it, it would seriously get messed up! It's better this way!

  7. When I was at another job this one girl came in late every single day. She came into work with a wet head and her make-up bag in hand. Then she'd go into the bathroom and proceed to finish getting ready. She'd do her make-up and curl her hair with her curling iron. It never bothered me or the other girl in the office. As long as she did her work, I don't think it really mattered. 2D

  8. That my dear is women in general. Women tend to be jealous gossipers. I would not have a problem at all with you applying make-up in the restroom, My  suggestion to you would be if you want to keep the peace, apply your make-up at home. If you aren't concerned with what they think and if they can't have you fired, then continue on with what you are doing- because they more than likely will find something else to gripe about.

  9. i think the reason it bothers them is because you should be working. your employer is paying you to put your makeup on. is that fair? i mean, really now. do you think you can set your alarm for ten minutes earlier so you can do this at home?

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