
Ethiopia donations project??

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everyone plz email us at the email address given on the website, and plz share the URL with all of ur contacts so we can start really going somewhere with this project!




  1. i think its a great idea.

    i am doing something similar to it rite now 2. except i am raising donation money and sending it to Rwanda.

    i think that its great that you can help.

    newspaper advertisements don't cost very much and you could get a lot more ppl to donate if ur idea was in the newspaper.

    also, send a chain message on to everyone you know in effort to make the idea bigger.

    maybe if ur idea gets really big you could send even more than one hundred boxs.

    my uncle works for Jergens so he might be able to donate some lotion or something.

    and be persistent, nike made 2 million dollars in their first eleven years of buisness and now they make two million dollars every hour!

    so it shows that if you be persistent and do ur best good things will come eventually.


    read Good to Great, by Jim Collins.

    it has a lot of great lesssons.

    good luck!

  2. Theres more countries that are need more than ethiopia its nice of you to care about us but i dont like the music video its real nice of you to help ethiopia but all this does is make ethiopia another hot spot for jokes and we're not even in the top 10 poorest countries in the world anymore.I think you should go help one of those other countries.Cause im really sick of being here in america and seeing tapes of helpless ethiopians from 20 years ago its not the USED to need alot of help but we're back on our can go ahead and pull up links saying we're not but okay whatever look at the date of all your evidence,

    Your link no where says a date.MINE DO.I also know you just made up a date because 2008 JUST STARTED 8 MONTHS AGO THERES NO GDPS OUT 2007 IS THE NEWEST ONES.And i have those,


    You dont know what your really talking about no offense your link was from like 4 years ago..and your talking about advertising your website...when you cant even provide a updated link..that just shows me you dont know what your talking about your trying to get us to advertise your site when its ALL FALSE OLD STUFF.

    YOUR LYING if your not tell me WHERE it says 2007?And how am i going to have the 2007 one TOO?with 2 different information?mine SAYS 2007 ALOT of times.And secondly I KNOW youtr lying you just went from saying its from 2008 now your saying 2007.get real.Ofcourse theres poor people in ethiopia they're everywhere.We just dont need your little advertisement thankyou very much,because AS ALWAYS its always STRECHING out the truth

    lol why dont u tell me where it says 2007 on yours?your not telling me where it is and you just said oh i just checked it ebcause i just pointed out there couldnt be one for 2008.

    Oh god use your eyes click on mysecond link on top of all the countries in parenthesis it says 2007.Its nice if you helping ethiopia all im saying is dont try putting shiiit on tv.

  3. I'm wondering where at in Ethiopia you would be mailing these boxes. It sounds like a wonderful idea but would these boxes be mailed directly to the post offices? Or do you have specific addresses where you would want these boxes sent to? There are certain things that can and can't be mailed in and out of Ethiopia. The government of Ethiopia will need to know that you are doing this because customs will be there checking all mail and packages that enter their country that's sent from other countries. They can and will check all packages if the feel the need to, especially if a whole bunch of packages arrive from the same return address. You will need to contact the government there and ask if it is ok and if they will then distribute the things that you have sent to the people, otherwise all of your packages will be sent back to you if they don't know what you are doing. You need to also find out what can and can't be sent there. Also it takes money for them to distribute these things, they may have to travel long distances and this can be quite costly. I think you should do a little more research before you do this. This link will give you more information,

  4. I think what you are doing is so caring.

    Most people on the Earth could care less about anything that doesn't have to do with them.

    I would love to help, except I'm only a young teenager with no money.

    A suggestion would be maybe to get a news crew to do a story on it in your state. Then people will hear and want to donate. Or maybe get a newspaper involved. It only costs less then a few dollars where I live to put in an ad.

    I think this will turn out magnificently!

    But yeah, what you are doing is so caring and thoughtful. If only the rest of us could be even half as sympathetic as you ladies are.

    The best of luck, and God bless you all!

  5. I second Ethiopian Barbie's answers. We're past that phase. If you want to help how about giving the right information about the country for once? Get that image of the 80's out of your head!

    One Love !!!


    P.S: I'd suggest you get your data from the World Bank or the UN.

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