
Etiquette for taking babies/toddlers to appointments?

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What are standard guidelines about when it is okay and when it is not okay to bring small children to appointments? My son is 16 months old and I'm still trying to figure this one out. Does appropriateness depend on the length of the appointment or the type of appointment, both, or something else? What are the general guidelines?




  1. My daughter has gone to every appointment with me...not only doctor appointments, but the hairdresser too!  I make sure she is fed and changed beforehand.  Now that she is a little bigger I keep toys that are travel only in the diaper bag for her to play with to keep her occupied.  I would say take your son along unless asked to keep him home.  Most OB/GYN's understand kids being there and are prepared.  If the appointment is something that will take a long time and you have a lot to discuss and don't need the distraction, leave him behind.

  2. I bring my children to all my doctors appointments, as my son is 6 months old and I have no one around to watch them. If my appointment is something like a pap test, then my husbad will take the time off work to stay at home with the kids, but other than pap they come with me.

  3. I bring my kids with me I just bring a toy for them to play with....the only time I haven't is for my 6 weeks check up I left my older girl at grandmas there are a few things that she just doesn't need to see or know about yet....

  4. If they don't say no children they it's okay to bring your children with you to appointments. I don't exactly know what appointment ettiquette is but I will say this make sure you have enough to occupy your child toy, snack, change of diapers. Children become fussy but to just let your child run wild is rude. Kids will toouch things but don't let them climb on things and run around like they are outside just keep them as calm as you possibly can.

  5. I've never heard of "appointment etiquette". I figure if you need to take your baby with you, you do so. I just had my baby a little over 4 months ago and I've needed to take him with me to my doctor's. Nobody had a problem with it, nor did I get "mean" glances. I fed him beforehand and made sure his diaper was clean. He started fussing a bit in the waiting room so I just took him out of his car seat and held him.

    You do what you gotta do.

  6. I have a headstrong 2 year old who I occasionally am forced to take to appointments...she's the type to wait until I'm half dressed then open the door and run off into the halls!

    I have to say, I get quite a few dirty looks when I bring her to the doc with me, but personally I think that if the doc's office isn't smart enough to lock the cabinets in the room or provide a kid's room or something, they kinda deserve it...especially when it's a woman & children type doctor's office!

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