
Eureka! I have perfected my new invention, please tell me if you would buy it and how much I should sell it?

by  |  earlier

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Its a chip pan than plugs into your cigarette lighter in the car .. so you can enjoy a plateful of delicious fresh chips whenever you want while driving somewhere.

Also on the side of the chip pan there is a handy holder for the salt and vinegar jars.

I am sure you will agree with me that this is that the world has been waiting for, certainly I have.

Anyone want to order one? I was thinking of pricing it at £59.99

Can anyone come up with a name for my product too?




  1. Ash potato!

  2. I'll have a dozen does it come with a car?

    You could call it crispy knackers. Because your package will get fried.

    You could have a toastie maker as well. melty cheese mmmmmmm cheese...

  3. You are a genius!

  4. Crispy chips.

  5. cool idea how about "chips on the run"

  6. Chips-in-the-car-nice-and-crispy-won't make-your-car-smell-or-be-a-fire-hazard-... has a nice ring to it. Price it around the 800 quid mark and you will have them queing up.

  7. Does it come with a freezer to keep the chips frozen.  Does it come with free air freshener for when it stinks your car out !  Don't do any emergency stops, could be nasty!

  8. Oh yeah what a really good idea it was only the other day whilst driving along I said to my husband i wish someone would invent something so I could cook chips in the car I just fancey some and I dont want to stop and go the chippie.  Sod my leather interior i am hungry!

    The price seems fine JML will love it, struggling with a name though how about inventing a tea and coffe maker for the car.

  9. i think u need to stay off the chips for a while.

  10. Travel Chip.

    How do I order one ?

  11. ummm....I cant see a need for it myself...but good luck to ya.


  12. that's what everyone needs more distractions while driving. don't you think people drive bad enough now???

  13. Chip Car go  -  or   -  Car go Chip

    Wonderful idea - I'll have two

  14. Instant Accident

  15. no i would not and would not pay for such a thing

  16. Crispy?

    Can you actually get IN a car?

  17. this is a stupid invention, what it you have 2 break suddenly and all that boiling hot chip fat goes everywere just adding to any injuries you might get. If your driving then surely its easier and cheaper to go pick up some chips rather than prepare potatoes and cook them yourself!?! i wouldn't want one even if it was free

  18. LIKE us the price is a bit on the big side?

    and how about "CHIP'S A GOGO"?

  19. I'll buy it if the car is included

  20. Crispy, I do not think you would get away with that one. You can not use a mobile whilst driving, how are you going to fry chips without getting scalded with oil

  21. Great idea. Porta chips?

  22. LOL - Okay... you almost had me on that one...

  23. Isn't it amazing how some people just don't get irony!!!!

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