
Europe attempting to lure our NBA players

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Kobe and Lebron will not rule out the possibility of playing overseas. Do you think this is legit or the "nice guy" syndrome? What are the chances of realistically losing one of these ball players to Europe? Does it make you feel differently about them? Like why should I be loyal to them when they're considering leaving the states for more money and world fame? It all kinda correlates with the David Beckham fiasco. World fame and obscene money.

I have very mixed emotions. I've lived and died with my team. I could never jump ship to be a fan of a winning team. I can't blame them I guess over the money aspect. But it just bothers me for some reason that it's never enough. The fame, the money is just not good enough. What happened to loyalty and love of the game? I hate to say it, but as much as I enjoy watching these guys play, I'd never follow their career if they were overseas. I could careless. So what are your thoughts on this issue? I appreciate any responses!




  1. I agree with u on a couple of your statements regarding loyalty. But u have to look at a couple things. Basketball is a global sport now. The world is playin ball probably as much as u see in the States now. But Its hard to turn down $50 mil a year. Lebron once stated that he wants to be a billionaire someday. He is not even 25 yet and he frequently talks to Bill Gates. So for him it would be a business move. There is no salary cap so they can pay these guys whatever they want. Not only that, they also set u up with a house and a car once u sign the contract! The threat is definently legit. The NBA better do something soon. U see that this season alone 2 quality NBA players (Earl Boykins and Josh Childress) have bolted to play overseas. Sorry to say. But its not about loyalty for these players. Its always about the $$$$$$$

  2. We keep hearing that the US has more money to offer but that simply is not true. As an Ex-Patriot they get huge tax breaks. Also with the value of the dollar being down and the Euro up getting 1million Euros is like getting nearly 1.5 million dollars! Yep. check yahoo finance.

    NBA stars could also extend their brands by opening up new markets. Nike already shuttles the top NBA players to China each summer since they can get their share of 1.3 billion pairs of feet and jerseys. The NBA loves this little tour. For Nike to have LeBron or Kobe go to Europe like Pele or Beckham coming here late in their careers this could be a huge windfall for everyone.

    The keys to this becoming reality are the top guys have to have accomplished much if not all of what they set out to do in the NBA. LeBron doesn't go to Europe without a couple NBA championships and MVPs under his arms. Same for Kobe. Kobe appears to be the likeliest candidate now given his response in China and his NBA rings and MVP now. If he could get one NBA championship sans Shaq he's basically have owned the league to a point he could walk. Landing in Italy would be a perfect home base for him to take over Europe a place where his image is not as tarnished and he is comfortable.

    Don't count it out....

  3. Well you can say the same thing about NBA or MLB luring away the other countries’ star players away from them. They’re doing this basically for more $. So in that case, you can say they’re betraying their country for more $. It’s just the interest of career success and more income. That’s Life.

  4. "What happened to loyalty and love of the game?"

    Honestly, how many players actually seem loyal enough to a team that they would stick with it when offered more money elsewhere? And what's the big deal if you just switch teams or switch leagues? It's their choice. They don't have any reason to be loyal to the NBA. The NBA doesn't pay them, teams do (and endorsers). Their fans are certainly not limited to just the USA, and it would almost be more loyal to your team to switch out of the league than to play for an opponent. And as for "love of the game," what do you think they would be going to Europe to do? Stop playing basketball? The NBA isn't a game, basketball is. So changing the venue of a career certainly doesn't go against the love of the game.

  5. There not goin anywhere, trust me. Their agents have the players trained. Statements like what Lebron and Kobe said are just to make their team give more money on the contract. Its puts pressure on the organization to make huge contracts. Its just bluffing to get a few more million in a contract.

  6. David Beckam is a perfect example of how this will play out.  Kobe, Lebron and all the top NBA stars will not bolt to Europe until they are past their primes.  The Europe teams will still be willing to pay top dollar for our old 38 year old kobe, 40 year old lebron, 42 year old dwayne wade.  Just like david beckam is past his prime and euro teams were done with him.  U.S.A. needed a big star like him.  Same thing in the NBA.  So don't worry, when they go they will all be past their primes.

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