
Europe is going Islamic so fast ? are you feeling threatened ?

by  |  earlier

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by 2020 almost half of the Frenches will be Muslim ! their population in Scandinavian countries has gone more than double within just last few years . Should we feel threatened or not ?




  1. I would feel threatened.  Half the population, half the government.  It only takes one extremist to take over the politics and institute Shar'ia law.

  2. Who is the we?

    And what is the threat?b

  3. Yeah, in our lifetime France will be run by decendents of migrant Muslims.  France has nuclear weapons.

    We are all being threatened.

  4. what do u mean by "threatened"???

    it's just a religion for god's sake!!!

    They r just ppl like u and me!

    plz dont be narrow minded.

    i say you go educate urself before asking such a question!

  5. I beg to differ with the one answer who says its just a religion and they are just people true but my religion does not command me to murder anyone especially those who do not believe the same as me.So yes,the world is being threatened by a renegade under the guise of religion.Nothing new really the Catholics did it for centuries.That turned out well didn't it? ha ha lol.sarcasm here.At the very least we should Be aware.

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