
Europe trip when we graduate?

by  |  earlier

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there's 7 of us. and we'll all be 18. i speak german, 2 of my friends speak french and 2 speak spanish and one speaks italian. so i think we'll be okay language wise wherever we go as long as we're together.

how long do you think we should stay?

how much money should each of us take?

are there any countries over there that absolutely can't stand america?

what cool places should we go to where most tourists don't go? we want to go to all the creepy haunted places. lol.

what country is best for shopping?

this will be in about 2 years by the way. we just get excited about things and over-plan.




  1. 1) you  should definantly stay all summer (june-augest)

    2) you shouldn't take too much money there are always places that you MIGHT get stuff lost or stolen

    3) to be honest Germany doesnt really like our president but you should be fine if you dont act like yong annying american teenagers (you have 2 b QUIET and act like ADULTS)

    4) Kizbuehel, Tirol in Austria... its a really amazingly pretty and small/quiet little town

    5) there really isnt a "best" place for shopping... I would suggest that you not do very much shopping at all because you will have to carry it around europe and you wont be very happy because you will be very hot

    some other advise is that you use a urail pass

    here are some great links for planning you trip... I hope enjoy!

  2. how long you will stay will depends on where you want to go, how long you want to be there and your transportation around Europe. i would give it at least 2 or 3 weeks if you really want to experience it (without feeling rushed)

    again, it depends on what types of things you want to buy (expensive vs. cheap) what kind of hotels you want to stay in and transportation (higher end, or more basic)

    France probably likes Americans the least. though it will help if you can speak french (with a proper accent).

    well, all the creepy haunted places you will know of by just looking at travel brochures and such. If you are driving yourselves i HIGHLY recommend driving through the Col De Turini, San Bernardino Pass and the Stelvio pass. They have been voted the worlds BEST driving roads. the scenery is SPECTACULAR! (the Col De Turini might be a little scary to drive, but the other two arent as bad)

    not just one country is good for shopping, i would say the best are England, France, Russia, Italy, Spain and maybe Germany.

    shopping is good all around. though places like Milan, Rome, Madrid, Paris, etc can be very expensive. it depends what you're looking for. styles are different everywhere. just make sure you don't forget about Moscow, its DEFINITELY worth visiting. too many people seem to forget about it. the only problem is, the hotels there are pretty expensive i think. but i hear they have great shopping

  3. 1)you should stay in two weeks

    2)you should take at least 5 thousand with you

    3)the countries that coudnt stand america is France but i reccomend that you go there

    4)you should go to the dracula castle in Romania not a lot of tourist goes there

    5)go to Russia best for shopping

    PS:i also plan to go to europe after highschool

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